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About Trix

The varied history of Trix also reflects a piece of economic history in Germany. Mergers and takeovers brought constantly new ownership structures and product areas. Nevertheless, developments came out of Trix that were considered milestones in model railroading.


The origin was the firm J. Hafner founded in 1838, after that the United Toy Companies Andreas Förtner and J. Haffner Nachf. AG, which initially produced pewter figures and then sheet metal toys. Among later owners was Stephan Bing, who introduced the expertise in 1928 for model trains.

The Digital Age

In 1983, the digital age began with Selectrix. This multi-train control with microprocessor electronics is compatible with the norms and can also be used for other gauges and brands. Selectrix eventually replaced the e.m.s. system.

The Union of Two Traditional Manufacturers

The odyssey of the ownership structures found a good end, when Trix was taken over by Märklin in 1997 and became a subsidiary of Märklin Holding. The merger of the two traditional manufacturers promises a continuous further development in which Trix can realize all of the advantages and competence for DC trains in N and H0.

The Specialties of Trix

The current assortment includes the product brands Minitrix, Trix H0 (formerly International), Express, and Selectrix. Trix has already been cooperating with Märklin since 1978 on projects such as the King Ludwig Train and the Wilhelm II Imperial Train.

Smart model railroaders recognize a Trix model without looking at the brand. "Typically Trix" is the remark, which as a rule is meant as a compliment. Actually, the brand has gained in reputation, and this applies equally to N and H0. It is characterized by fidelity to the eras, attention to detailing, and crystal clear imprinting.

As a Nürnberg firm, we have especially accepted the baroque splendor of provincial railroads, particularly those of Bavaria. We do not limit ourselves here to just a few top models. Anyone devoting his layout to a particular period can assemble complete passenger and freight trains faithful to the era. From the "Glaskasten" / "Glass Box" to the elegant class S 2/5, suitable locomotives are available from which to choose.